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Environment News: St Mary's joins schools across the diocese to 'care for our common home'

There was wonderful engagement and inspiration gained for teachers from schools across Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong – including our own Mr Brent Harding – who gathered for the CEDoW 'Wollongong Environment Network' (WEN) Contact Professional Development day, Caring for Our Common Home, Our School held at St Joseph's Albion Park.

This was the second time that WEN Contacts like Mr Harding have been given the opportunity to gather to learn more about how they can support environmental education and action in their schools and to share ideas and learning. 

The passion, commitment, sharing and conversation across the day was terrific to see and Laudato Si' is well and truly being made real in our Wollongong Catholic Schools. Pope Francis would indeed be pleased!

The opportunity to gather and collaborate is highly valued by the WEN Contacts as demonstrated by some of the feedback from participants: 

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"What a privilege it was to be part of the WEN PD Day yesterday. To be in a room with like minded people was inspirational."

"Thank you for a great day that made me realise that the little drops of water will eventually wear away the rock. We will keep on keeping on."

"It’s a renewal of the HOPE that we must always hold onto. Being amongst like minded, hard working people gives me that little boost to keep the flame alive."

"I just wanted to say thanks for the WEN Networking Day today - it was such a great day! It was such a motivating and inspiring day and I left feeling renewed in my aim to encourage the children at our school to be more aware of their impact on our earth."

Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong looks forward to the next WEN gathering. In the meantime, view the CEDoW Wollongong Environment Network website

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Visit the CEDoW 'Wollongong Environment Network' (WEN) site for more information